
Public Sector

Our agility enables us to deliver efficient, future-proofed projects


We deliver high quality, fast-track retail developments


Servicing the entire UK rail network

Sport & Leisure

From brand roll-outs to design & build projects


Constructing professional environments worth working in


We provide healthcare construction services across the UK


Everything from constructing schools to student accommodation

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Concept Zero

A ZERO tolerance approach to accidents and injuries

Injury prevention is our solution

At the Input Group we believe that something can always be done to prevent injuries, accidents and delays. That's why we have developed and implemented Concept Zero; a ZERO tolerance attitude ensuring that everything is done beyond exception to prevent these eventualities from ever occurring.

Driven from the top, this philosophy is imbued in the ethos of the company, in all our staff and any subcontractors or professional partners we work with. We have developed our own rigorous Quality Control process to make sure that our extremely high standards are adhered to, often above and beyond the clients' requirements.


No. of Input Group employees


Average length of service


Our Accident Frequency Ratio

Our expertise in signage and way planning ensures all our sites are precisely laid out, with the Directors' penchant for a clean working environment reflected in the company ethos of clear work areas, tidy walkways and well-planned working sites.

This coupled with our constant reinforcement of company values ensures that the chances of any accidents, mishaps or project delays are kept to an absolute minimum.

We are proud to hold an industry-leading LTIFR (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate) of Zero across our rail projects

Gavin McCart, Health & Safety Advisor, The Input Group

Contact us if you have a project you'd like to discuss.